
Train connections between Thessaloniki and Florina are suspended.

There are frequent buses.Valid information can be found on (http://ktelmacedonia.gr/e...) Update: 14/01/2012

Florina can be reached by taxi from Ohrid or Bitola in Macedonia. There is no public transport.

From Bitola it is about 30 km, and takes a little over an hour by taxi. Macedonian taxi drivers require a special permit to operate in Greece, and they might use this fact to quote you up to €40. You should be able to knock them down to €25 or less. If they don't have a permit, they might offer to take you to the border for just a few euros, but you then have to walk between the border posts 800m and hope to find a Greek taxi. Alternatively, they might take you all the way but pretend that they are a private car once in Greece.